S.Y.B.A. English Syllabus of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
UNIVERSITY OF PUNE Revised Course Structure of English S. Y. B. A. Compulsory English (w. e. f- 2014- 2015) Objectives 1. To develop competence among the students for self-learning 2. To familiarize students with excellent pieces of prose and poetry in English so that they realize the beauty and communicative power of English 3. To develop students’ interest in reading literary pieces 4. To expose them to native cultural experiences and situations in order to develop humane values and social awareness 5. To develop overall linguistic competence and communicative skills of the students Course Content Prescribed Text: Literary Landscapes (Ed. Board of Editors, Orient Blackswan) Literature Components 1. Playing the English Gentleman- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 2. The Homecoming- Rabindranath Tagore 3. A Letter by Hazlitt to His Son- William Hazlitt 4. Freedom of the Press- Shashi Tharoor 5. A Cup of Tea- Katherine Mansfield 6. The Last Leaf...